Anyway, where was I? Was this even what I wanted to talk about?
Did I mention that I wore a nappy out in public a couple of weeks ago? Nothing much happened, really, I was just curious to see if I could, I suppose. Someone had worn one under their jeans to that picnic I had had several months back, so I knew it was something that could be done discreetly. So yes, I went down to Tesco nappied and ended up wetting myself in the baked goods isle. Don't worry, I was all about the safety: I made sure that I didn't leak or anything and I certainly didn't shove my hands down there at all.
It was interesting, but it really didn't do anything profound for me. It was nice to realise that I could wear them out without them getting much attention, but it didn't really do much for me. Maybe it would if I were more ashamed, actually. If the thrill came from the sheer embarrassment of being discovered. Maybe this is one of the side-effects of my stint in San Francisco: if someone asks me if something's up, I'm likely to just plainly come out and tell them that I'm wearing a nappy!
Still, at some other point in the last couple of weeks, Kitty and I were engaging in phone sex, and she mentioned to me the idea of having me go out in public in nappies as a sort of experiment in public humiliation. I'm not sure if this is actually something we'd ever really do or whether this was just wank-fodder or what. Maybe it works better as a fantasy than in reality, maybe I'll have to try it to find out. Maybe it would be better with another person there, actually. When I'm on my own and just going down the shops, I'm just going down the shops. When Kitty is there, she can make a scene and point it out, embarrassing me, telling people that I'm her little diapered slut or something, and slyly rubbing against me through my trousers and diaper. Anyway, this blog isn't just supposed to be a record of my fantasies or whatnot, so enough of that for now. Still, my point remains: maybe this whole 'public wearing' thing is something that would be vastly improved by interactivity with another person. More on that as, if and when it ever occurs, I suppose.
For the first time in my life I'm actually seriously considering booking a session with a caretaker at an adult nursery. I'm almost surprised that this has never occurred to me before. I could lie and say that up until recently something like that has been impractical, largely due to issues regarding money and transportation; although those are believable lies and perhaps even half true: I am basically broke and it was only this year that I gained my driving licence (run-on sentence is run-on). The more likely truth is a kind of weird bias against sex work of any kind. Which is incredibly odd, considering I'm in a long-term relationship with a sex worker (and she's not even the first sex worker I've dated) and I even dabble in sex work myself! Still, I must admit, I find it easier to imagine being on the working side of sex work than on the client side. There are many reasons this recent desire to go and see a professional has come up, and one of them is, indeed, in order to try and see what it's like hiring a professional to take care of my kink needs, and hence see what it's like from that perspective and hopefully gain a fuller, richer understanding of the whole thing, that'll make me understand sex work a lot better. Kitty has also been encouraging me to seek outlets for this kink elsewhere (elsewhere as well as her, as opposed to elsewhere instead of her, at least, so is my understanding of things). Plus, right now I have a little bit of birthday money to spend and a clear time limit in which to try this, so the timing is all just right. Time to give it a go and see how the professionals do it, maybe.
Hey, while I'm there, I may ask a few pertinent questions so that I could then write more intelligently on the whole thing when I get back on here to report about it. Either way, you can expect to read about the thing on here once I'm done, I suspect.